The Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia) is one of the most enigmatic and wonderful animals of the wildlife, autochthonous from to the mountain ranges of Central Asia.
They are supremely adapted to thrive in some of the harshest conditions on the planet. They are insulated by dense hair, and their wide, fur-covered feet act as natural snowshoes. To protect of this hard conditions. Have powerful legs and are tremendous leapers. With their whitish-, yellowish- or smokey-grey fur, patterned with dark grey rosettes and spots, they can perfectly camouflage against the mountainous rocky terrain.
Head-body length: 90 - 130 cm
Adult shoulder height: about 60 cm
Tail length: 80 - 100 cm
Female weight: 35-40 kg
Male weight: 45 - 55 kg
Snow leopards typically eat blue sheep, Argali wild sheep, Siberian ibex, Asiatic ibex, marmots, pikas, hares, Tibetan snowcock and chukor partridge.
The snow leopard is one of my beloved wildlife! :D
Lúcia, I have finally managed to access your blog.
ResponderEliminarWhat I think you did was to copy part of a text on the snow white leopard and paste it here. I would rather have you trying to write things that come to your head. Would you like to further your studies on wildlife preservation, specially snow leopards? If yes, why? Why this passion for wildlife? In what way is it connected to ecotourism? In Portugal what type of wildlife can you engage in preserving?
Try to answer these questions on your own for practice sake.